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books more like hooks...

  The first ever article, a serious article here, I'd love to dedicate to books. In our generation more than ever, reading is becoming more and more popular - which I'm actually really grateful for. Personally, I lean towards books more often than people. And even though I'm not fluent in English, I tend to read books in the English version more often than in my mother language, because I think I can somehow relate more to those words.  Most recently, I read The Seven Husbands Of Evelyn Hugo. This book opened my eyes a lot. It described what's going on behind the closed doors in the film industry and I really enjoyed reading this book. It shows you, how rotten the industry is, every industry, not just the film one. I felt a lot for the main character, Evelyn. She's not a real person, but if she was, it would make her an incredibly strong and minded person I would be absolutely stunned by. Not even her career but even her personal life - she went against the stereoty
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how about I introduce myself....

Hi everyone!  My name is Anna and I am a student. Passionate about writing and madly in love - with books; with self-care journey, a healing journey and an opportunity to share my way to self-love. I already shared my stories via another blog but I saw a dead end there. It was more like a personal diary with randomly shared lines and poles. I've decided to stop writing there and completely delete that old blog and start this one.  I'd love to share here what I'm going through, my book reviews, my healing and my self-care process. Not everyone might be interested in these kinds of topics and I'd love to say I'm gladly open to discussing some themes of yours there as well.  If you're interested, you might be considering giving a follow to some of my socials for more upcoming articles there.  IG: @_aniiiii_s_